jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

4.Los simpsons

All of you know what Simpsons is about. Simpsons is a cartoon about a family in USA. They're very crazy, and make us funny. Their main characters are:

Homer: The father of the family. He is very stupid, he makes a lot of stupid things and he don't thing about anything.
Marge: Is the wife of Homer. She is very comprensive and she uses her brain. She's intelligent, but she permits all the things that their children ask.
Bart: Bart is like a diable. He only think about doing larks. He's marks are a disaster and he always is complaining with the director of the school.
Lisa: Is the most intelligent person in this house. Her hobby is play the saxofon. She gets a very good marks and is always improving her. She usually is compaining with her brother
Maggie: Is the baby of the family.


3. Castle

Castle is a TV program that the main character is a writer and is called Castle. This writer starts to work with the police, to improve his stories about this type of things. During his stay with the police he met Beckett, the girl who help him with their cases. They work together and they finally fall in love. They life a lot of adventures together.
We like this because is interesting and a bit funny. Now I will give you a link:



In the second place we put Aida, other sitcom from Telecinco. Now a days is true that this program has gone down a lot of audience because there aren't new chapters. All the people had seen most of the chapters that now are repeating, but this don't make Aida boring. It's interesting and funny too. The most important characters are: Aida, Luisma, Chema, Mauricio, Jonathan and Lorena. They are from the same family except: Chema and Mauricio, they're only fiends of the family. This family is poor and Jonathan and Lorena (the children of Aida) are problematic.
Jonathan:  take the most part of his time on the street painting houses or steal things.
Lorena: is the typical girl who live in a problematic street. She has another boyfriend every  week.
Mauricio: He is the most rich of their area. He has a bar and a little shop that has rented it to Chema
Chema: He has a little shop and a huge problems to pay the rent from the shop. He has a children that is called Fidel.
Now, I'm going to give you a link for one of the best chaper:

1. La que se avecina (LQSA)

La que se avecina or simply LQSA, is a sitcom like "Aqui no hay quien viva". This program is about a comunity of neighbors and all their problems. The most important characters are: Antonio Recio, Enrique Pastor, Amador Ribas, Maxi and Coke. They are the funniest ones.
For us is the best TV program that it exist for the moment. We love this. The problem is that all the chapters are repeating all day, and this make this sitcom very repetitive. We think that they must to make chapters faster. We are waiting for watch new ones!
Now, we leave this link to see the best chapter for us: